The core in defining your personal style 👠

One of the most common reasons my customers choose to work with me is losing the sense of style and not knowing what they like anymore.

I hear that from almost every woman I work with.

Usually the first question that I ask during the Essential Styling Journey is “What do you like?”.

My customers’ preferences are ALWAYS the most important aspect to take into account in defining their personal style.

“I love feminine dresses.”

“Blazers empower me and I love them.”

“I want to feel polished, but not overly elegant.”

Every input I get from my customers contribute to the direction we take on the definition of their signature personal style.

However. Sometimes my customers just DON’T KNOW what they like. They have zero preferences. They feel confused about their taste.

Or they like everything 😁 Suits, dresses, colourful, patterned, but also beige and black and blue and red…

Regardless if you like nothing or everything.

🚀 Today I’d like to share with you my best tip to start defining your personal style and it is..

Connecting with your heart. ❤️

How does it sound to you?

If you asked me 4 years ago I would have answered “this is soo woo-woo” 😆

But over the years I learned that sometimes it’s not about thinking so much, but about FEELING it.

❌ If you don’t do it you will inevitably end up buying stuff that you don’t truly like from Instagram Influencer’s recommendations or impulsively on sale.

So I highly recommend it to you.

You might wonder.. but HOW?

Reflect on how this items would make you feel.

I definitely agree: it’s not always easy.

❤️ But practice makes perfect and I AM SURE that with time you will be able to differentiate the items you truly feel for from the items that are only appealing to you temporarily.

✨ Would you like me to help you with defining a personal style aligned with who you are and adjusted for different aspects of your life? My Essential Styling Journey is the perfect service for that! All the details you will find here and if you are unsure if this is for you you can always book a discovery call.


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